executive coaching

Knowing where to tap
Once upon a time, a ship’s captain found himself stuck in port due to a broken boiler. He asked around the shipyard for someone who could fix the problem. He was given a name and summoned the repairman who showed up in the form of a 10-year old boy
Building a Personal Leadership Framework
I frame my leadership through a lens of leaving the people and places I work better than I found them. This may seem trite, but its simplicity helps me frame my decisions, actions, and contributions.
I break down my approach into two categories — people and processes.
Your version will be
Being more effective when the boss' behavior changes
I recently coached a manager whose relationship with her VP had changed during the past few months. Up to that point, the multi-year partnership had worked well, but the VP was now making comments in staff meetings that left the manager feeling undermined and betrayed. She was confused and thought
The Four-Word Question
The quality of questions we ask determines the effectiveness of our leadership and lives. As leaders, we are paid to deliver results for our people, companies, customers, owners, and communities. Along the way, we ask any number of questions, often ones that don’t serve us because we frame them
Focus on Getting Better, Not Looking Good
In my whole life, I have known no wise people (over a broad subject matter area) who didn’t read all the time — none, zero. Charlie Munger of Berkshire Hathaway
I read this quote recently, and my thoughts turned, as they often do, to the implications lifelong learning has on